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 Looking for the best deal from solar energy companies?  We offer multi-project discounts for residential and commercial developments.  We guarantee we have the best solar panels and lowest solar panel prices of all other solar panel companies.  Give us a chance to earn your business and we will do just that.

The Best Warranty and Highest Performance in the Industry


For Panasonic, LG, Q-Cell, Silfab and Solaria option, you get a contractor’s warranty with 25 year manufacturer’s warranty almost all are inclusive of 25 year Product and Performance Warranty with no Service Warranty. 

For REC Alpha Series High Efficiency panel option, you get a 25-Year Factory Warranty on all panels covering Product, Performance and Labor.

Regardless of choice of option, we make sure that you are covered by choosing to go solar through SunSolar Power with our 5-Star Guarantee and Triple Warranty Coverage. !



Panasonic offers both a 25 year Performance and product warranty, but does not include Service Warranty.  This would relate to the uninstall, shipping, flash testing, delivery and reinstall costs if something goes wrong.  There is a workmanship warranty offered by contractor.

The New LG Warranty has stepped it up a notch and now also offers a 25 year Performance and 25 year Product Warranty as well as a 25 year Labor Warranty on some panels and options.

Q-Cell offers both a 25 year Performance and Product Warranty, but does not include Service Warranty.  This would relate to the uninstall, shipping, flash testing, delivery and reinstall costs if something goes wrong.  There is a workmanship warranty offered by contractor.

REC’s Manufacturer’s Warranty now offers 25 Year Performance, Product AND labor for their Alpha Series panels, which are actually the most efficient panel choice at 21.9% Max Efficiency placing them at the top of our list of panels recommended. The Alpha Series 400-410W is currently our most recommended solar panel and is recommended to be combined with Enphase IQ-7+ or Enphase IQ-8 Micro Inverters for Individual panel monitoring and individual panel protection as well as maximizing production output in AC-DC conversion.


Q Cells panels are tested to ensure outstanding durability and world-class performance even in the harshest conditions: strong wind, heavy snow loads, salt stress, aridity, high temperatures, or humidity. Accordingly, DNV GL’s 2017 PV Module Reliability Scorecard confirmed that Q CELLS modules achieved a “Top Performer”; thus they state to not only offer the best-in-class solar modules, but also warranties against annual degradation that are unparalleled in the market.

Panasonic panels offer an industry-leading 0.26%/°C temperature coefficient that produces higher outputs at high temperatures.  Also utilizing half-cut cells with heterojunction technology which maximizes sunlight conversion and energy yield.  Durability for Panasonic panels is backed by 40+ years of solar innovation, experience and rigorous testing.

LG’s solar panel’s high efficiency comes in part from its Cello technology, which increases its power output and reliability making it one of the most powerful and versatile modules in the market.  The newer LG Neon 2 BiFacial module is designed to absorb irradiance not only from the front but also the rear of its NeON cell by using a transparent back sheet. It is also capable of generating energy from the Modules, front and rear sides allowing up to 30% more energy generation than standard PV Modules.

SunSolar Power stands behind all of our choice recommended products when it comes to solar panel, inverter choice and battery backup options. We only recommend and back the best.

REC Alpha Series now comes in at #1 for 0.25% annual cell degradation rating per year, which we have found to be our #1 recommended and highly rated most durable panels.

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